Satisfactory Epic Games Account

  • Digital Download
  • Safe Shopping
  • Money Back Guarantee

Release date 2019-03-19
Regional limitations 3
OS: Windows 7 or later (64 bit) CPU: i5-3570K 3.4 GHz (4 cores) RAM: 8GB GPU: GTX 760 2GB Storage: 20GB
Go to and click “Get Epic Games” (in the upper right corner of the site) to download the launcher,
Install the launcher, create a new Epic Games account or login into an existing one,
In the Epic Games launcher, click on your profile name in the bottom left corner of the client, and choose “Redeem Code”,
Enter the code and click “Redeem”.
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[acf field="activation_details"]

Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications. However, you can use this link to check if the product is compatible with your setup.

[acf field="system_requirements"]
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